Castel Horizon - Panoramic Views

Life on the Riviera

The Castel Horizon
 - Exterior
 - Interior
 - Panoramic Views
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The Castel Horizon has splendid panoramic views over the Mediterranenan Sea, Nice, Antibes, Cap d'Antibes, Juan-les-Pins, Golfe Juan, Vallauris, the islands Iles-des-Lerins outside Cannes.

On clear spring days, early in the morning you could even see Corsica if you are lucky.

To present the panoramic views, we have pasted together photos to give you two series of panoramic views from the top terraces of Castel Horizon.

Press the figures below to get the panoramic pictures with the desired width. The width is measured in pixels.

Panoramic View - Serie 1, Mediterranean View
Gives a view from Nice, to Antibes, to Cap d'Antibes, to Juan-les-Pins, to Port of Golfe Juan, Iles-des Lerin outside Cannes
3000     1600     800  
Panoramic View - Serie 2 , 360 degrees View
Gives a view from Iles-des-Lerin outside Cannes, via Super Cannes, to Vallauris, to Nice, to Antibes, to Cap d'Antibes, to Juan-les-Pins, to Port of Golfe Juan, Iles-des Lerin outside Cannes, to Super Cannes, to heights of Golfe Juan.
7000     3000     1600     800